Cars and trucks have a lot of moving parts that can make noise when you are driving it, but the brakes have some particular indications that should tell you there is a problem with them. If you are not familiar with these signs, you might not catch them right away. Here are some signs of brake wear or damage to watch and listen for in your car.
Brake Dust
It is normal for a car to produce some brake dust as the brakes wear, but if you have large amounts of black, powdery break dust on the wheels of your vehicle, you may have premature wear on the pads or shoes.
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The engine is the core of your vehicle: without it, your car would not be able to move or function. This means that any sort of malfunction or issue with the engine can be quite serious. One of the most common problems that can afflict an engine is overheating, which can be caused by a variety of different factors. Understanding some of the signs associated with an overheating engine can help you spot the issue early and have it addressed by a professional mechanic before it can cause other complications for your vehicle.
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Keeping your car running properly is important. A car that is serviced regularly gets better fuel economy and is much more reliable than one that is not. But servicing your car is more than just changing the oil every few months. One area often overlooked is the brakes.
When Do You Service Your Brakes?
If you are driving around with brakes that are making noise or squealing every time you push the brake pedal, you have waited too long to have them serviced.
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When you own and operate a trucking company with a fleet of trucks, you have to keep your truck fleet well-maintained. That said, you may think that the only way to keep the fleet maintained is to take each truck to a garage for annual maintenance and have it fixed up there. That is not the only way. In fact, there are at least three ways in which you can maintain your truck fleet.
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The brakes on your car or truck will eventually wear to the point that they need to be serviced. The friction material on your brake shoes and pads is supposed to wear over time but how can you tell when they need to be changed or at least inspected? There are some telltale signs that they are wearing and you need to take a look at them.
Squealing Brakes
Often the brakes on a car will begin to squeal when they are applied.
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