looking out for problems with your car

The Most Common Truck Air Conditioner Repair Issues

If you drive around in a truck for work, you know how uncomfortable it can be in the summer if your air conditioning system isn't working properly. While you might postpone this type of repair on your car, having to spend eight hours or more in a hot truck makes work almost unbearable. Fortunately, many truck air conditioning problems can be fixed quickly and affordably.   Common truck air conditioning issues and their solutions Read More 

3 Tips For Getting Your Car Ready For Winter

As the fall temperatures start to wind down, one thing that you should be doing is getting your car ready for the winter. Doing some maintenance prior to the temperature dropping will help make sure your car is ready for the ice and snow that will be coming.  Replace The Windshield Wipers Winter is one of the toughest seasons for your windshield wipers, and chances are that you did not replace them after last year's winter. Read More 

5 Warning Signs That Your Brakes Need To Be Inspected

Your brakes are arguably the most important part of your car. They keep you safe from road obstacles and prevent you from hurting others and their property. However, cars can tend to make noises and behave differently in certain terrain when in operation and you might not know the signs of brakes that need repair. Therefore, be sure to keep a lookout for any of these 5 warning signs and contact a professional mechanic for inspection right away: Read More 

2 Signs That Your Car Needs To Be Serviced

Owning your own car can be very exciting. It allows you freedom to travel where you want, and can be a wonderful accessory to your life. However, if you own a car, for your safety and for the safety of those around you it is important that you know understand the signs that the car is unhealthy or malfunctioning. If you don' know these signs, you could easily endanger those in the car and those around you on the road. Read More 

3 Repairs Before Your Next Road Trip

Are you planning your next road trip with friends? If so, and you have agreed to take your car, then you may want to consider having your car serviced before you take off on your adventure. There are many benefits to having car maintenance before a long road trip, as it can increase how many miles per gallon your car receives during the trip, which can reduce the cost of your fuel expenses. Read More